Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday September 4, 2009

Hello everyone. I am updating early today but will do another update later tonight if necessary.They have put him on a small amount of oxygen today. Brenden pulled out his feeding tube earlier (can you blame him) and they had to put it in again.The MRI looked okay today, no surgery for now. They are going to put the back brace on him. He hasn't been coughing a lot but what few times he has seems to be breaking up the stuff in his lungs (yeah), he is sounding better. He is not as responsive today but he is also in a lot of pain, even medicated, they are trying to address the pain. They have decided to leave him in IPCU because he still needs to be watched constantly. Your love and prayers are a gift thank you so much. I promise it means a lot to Mike, Alisha, Brenden, and the rest the family.


  1. thanks for the posts we check in everyday to see the latest. I pray everyday for god to give you all strength. We love you guys Sheri Rasmussen

  2. I can't tell you how very fortunate I feel to be close enough to lend support to this special family. Thank you Sabrina, Tracie & Brandi for understanding the desires of family and friends need to keep updated and working so hard to feed the need.
    Love Laurie.
